“Will you cherish the wondrous works of God, and protect the beauty and integrity of all creation?”
An Episcopal Path to Creation Justice is a four-level initiative now available in Province One to encourage and support our congregations to deepen and grow in a holistic response to the climate emergency.
The Path develops and equips church communities to grow in knowledge and skills as they progress along the four-fold path toward Creation Justice, which includes: Prayer, Learning, Action, and Advocacy.
We provide consultation, support, community, and recognition for participating churches through our trained Companions and share their work so that others will be inspired.
Now Enrolling Province I Parishes for the Path
After a successful pilot with twelve parishes, An Episcopal Path to Creation Justice became a Province One initiative in the fall of 2024. Parishes around Province I can sign up by the end of August each year to enroll. Path parishes have a trained Companion walking with them as they discern how their parish can deepen their commitment to caring for creation by Praying, Learning, Acting and Advocating. Path parishes are in fellowship with each other via monthly Zoom gatherings. If you think your parish or community might be interested, speak with your rector and vestry and reach out to Rev. Rachel Field and Deb Baker at episcopalcreationpath@gmail.com
Not in Province I?
We are happy to share resources and lessons learned so that you can implement the Path in your context. Send us an email at episcopalcreationpath@gmail.com and we’ll add you to our growing list of folks across the church who want to explore the Path. You’ll get occasional emails about trainings, as well as access to our Tool Kit to help you get started.

In Jesus, God so loved the whole world. We follow Jesus, so we love the world God loves. Concerned for the global climate emergency, drawing on diverse approaches for our diverse contexts, we commit to form and restore a loving, liberating, life-giving relationship with all of Creation.
Episcopal Covenant for the Care of Creation
The questions that are crucial to our work in the Church today:
How shall we PRAY?
How will we bring environmental and climate justice concerns into the religious life of our community–into our liturgies, preaching, and prayers? What spiritual grounding do individuals need in a climate-changed world?
How shall we LEARN?
How will we educate children, youth, and adults to live faithfully in a climate-changed world? What do we need to learn as we join God’s mission of reconciling us to God, each other, and the rest of creation?
How shall we ACT?
What practical steps will we take as individuals, households, and congregations to live in greater harmony with Earth, to reduce carbon emissions, and to transition to a zero-carbon future?
How shall we ADVOCATE?
How will we mobilize to advocate for just climate and environmental legislation? How will we contribute to societal transformation?